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Somerset House Ice Skating

For a fun day out.

Somerset House, Strand, London, WC2R 1LA
We are a 15 - 20 minute walk from Somerset House, in the Strand. A grand building dedicated to creativity and the arts, during the winter Somerset House hosts one of the most popular places to ice skate in the UK. 

Treat yourself to a hot chocolate or cocktail afterwards, and then take a stroll on nearby Waterloo bridge with magnificent views of the city skyline and the river Thames.

Open from 16th November 2022 – 15th January 2023

Opening times vary. 

Distance To Hotel

20 minute walk or 10 minute bus journey.

Take the 59, 68 or 168 bus to Aldwych Drury Lane.
Nearest Tube Station


Nearest Tube Station

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