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Camden Lock Market

Camden Lock

Camden Lock, London, NW1 0NE
A leisurely walk from our hotel group in Bloomsbury, take a visit to the former wharf located by the picturesque Regent’s Canal.

Camden Lock is a warren of over 1000 quirky shops and stalls selling fashion, music, art and crafts. It has an abundance of tempting and delicious street food inspired by cultures around the world.

The unique, alternative vibe shines even more at night, as the neighbourhood's live music scene comes to life with indie tunes. Famous venues like the Roundhouse, Electric Ballroom and the Jazz Cafe are always hosting live gigs, shows and concerts.

Monday - Sunday
10:00 - 18:00
Book your stay with us at Imperial London Hotels to be close to one of the world's most buzzing music scenes.
Distance To Hotel

32 minute walk

Nearest Tube Station

Camden Town

Nearest Tube Station

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