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ZSL London Zoo

Spend the afternoon at the oldest scientific zoo in the world.

Outer Circle, London, NW1 7

A short journey from the Imperial London Family of Hotels, London Zoo is the oldest scientific zoo in the world. When it opened in 1828, just a few years before our company founder Henry Thomas Walduck opened his catering business, it was originally intended to be used as a collection for scientific study.

In 1831, the animals from the Tower of London were transferred to the zoo and it was opened to the public in 1847. 
Today it houses 673 species of animals. Explore 36 acres of outdoor space this spring, with three new carefully mapped out nature routes. The perfect day out for families on a spring afternoon in London.

Open: Monday - Sunday
10:00 - 18:00
Distance To Hotel

30 minute walk

Nearest Tube Station

Nearest Tube Station

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